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Dictionary Suite
popular designed for, appealing to, or reflecting the taste or preferences of the general public. [1/3 definitions]
prayer1 the act of appealing to and invoking the power of a divine being, or such acts collectively. [1/7 definitions]
sensuous of, concerning, perceived by, or appealing to the senses. [1/2 definitions]
sentimental appealing to or expressing nostalgic or tender feelings. [1/4 definitions]
sexy (informal) glamorous; appealing; interesting. [1/2 definitions]
sophisticated appealing to knowledgeable, experienced, or refined persons. [1/3 definitions]
specious deceptively appealing; misleading. [1/2 definitions]
tempt to be attractive or strongly appealing to. [1/4 definitions]
tempting causing temptation; appealing; inviting; alluring.
touristy of, pertaining to, or appealing only to tourists.
unattractive not pleasing or appealing, particularly to the eye; not attractive.
visceral dealing with or appealing to basic, unrefined emotions. [1/4 definitions]