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cant1 insincere statements made to give one the appearance of goodness, piety, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance. [1/4 definitions]
cast outward appearance; presentation. [1/18 definitions]
cellulite fatty deposits, especially in the area of the hips and thighs, which create a dimpled appearance on the surface of these areas.
changeable changing in color or appearance, esp. when viewed from different angles, such as some silk; iridescent. [1/2 definitions]
cheapen to lessen the quality or appearance of; make inferior. [1/4 definitions]
claw any object that is similar to a claw in appearance or function. [1/6 definitions]
clunky heavy or large and oddly-shaped, giving the feeling or appearance of awkwardness or unattractiveness. [1/2 definitions]
cockscomb a vain man who is exceptionally concerned with his dress and appearance; coxcomb. [1/3 definitions]
coloration arrangement or appearance of color; coloring. [1/2 definitions]
coloring appearance, esp. facial, with regard to color; complexion. [1/4 definitions]
comely pleasing in appearance. [1/2 definitions]
complexion the natural hue, appearance, and condition of the skin, esp. of the face. [2 definitions]
conform to show similarity or become similar in nature or appearance. [2/4 definitions]
conformity agreement or similarity in appearance or character; correspondence. [1/2 definitions]
conservative traditional in appearance; not flashy. [1/7 definitions]
cosmetic affecting external appearance alone; superficial. [1/4 definitions]
countenance facial expression or general appearance. [1/4 definitions]
countrified having the appearance or characteristics of rural people.
craggy like a crag or crags, especially having protruding bones and a rough-hewn appearance, as a human face. [1/2 definitions]
crazed having lost one's reason, or having or giving the appearance of being insane. [1/2 definitions]