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controversy a quarrel or argument. [1/2 definitions]
convolution complexity or intricacy, as of an argument or theory. [1/4 definitions]
counter3 to say in response as an opposing argument or verbal return of attack. [1/8 definitions]
counterargument combined form of argument.
counterbalance any force or influence, such as a weight or a point in an argument, that exactly balances another; counterpoise. [1/2 definitions]
counterpoint any idea, argument, or theme that contrasts with but complements another. [1/3 definitions]
counterpoise any force or influence, such as a weight or a point in an argument, that exactly balances another; counterbalance. [1/3 definitions]
debatable open to debate or argument; doubtful.
declamation speech or writing for oratorical effect, often without sincerity or sound argument. [1/2 definitions]
defense a justifying or supporting argument. [1/7 definitions]
demagogue a leader, esp. a speaker or politician, who attempts to persuade and to gain a following by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the public, rather than by rational argument. [1/2 definitions]
devil's advocate someone who may not believe in but defends an opposing, weak, or unpopular cause to stimulate argument. [1/2 definitions]
dialectic the art or practice of logical analysis and argument, esp. in revealing and resolving real or apparent contradictions. [1/6 definitions]
disagreement an argument or quarrel. [1/3 definitions]
discursive proceeding by reason rather than intuition, as an argument or discourse. [1/2 definitions]
disputant involved or participating in argument, debate, or dispute. [1/2 definitions]
dispute to participate in argument or debate. [2/7 definitions]
evasion the avoidance of giving a full or truthful response to a question, point of argument, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
exemplum a short anecdotal story that supports a particular point in an argument or illustrates a moral truth. [1/2 definitions]
fallacy a logically unsound element in an argument or line of reasoning. [1/3 definitions]
feud a quarrel or argument. [1/3 definitions]