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foe an enemy in armed conflict or war; an opposing army or country. [1/5 definitions]
force (often pl.) military troops; army. [1/14 definitions]
Garand rifle a semiautomatic, clip-fed rifle, which was standard issue of the U.S. Army in World War II and the Korean War; M-1.
general of the army the highest ranking officer in the U.S. Army during World War II. (Cf. fleet admiral.)
George Washington the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the U.S. War of Independence and the first President of the United States (1789-1797). During his presidency, Washington focused on bringing a spirit of unity to the newly formed nation, creating a new capital, and expanding U.S. territory westward (b.1732--d.1799).
Goliath according to the Old Testament, the giant warrior, sent forth by the Philistine army, who was slain by David with a slingshot.
Grand Army of the Republic an organization founded in 1866 by men who had served in the Union Army or Navy during the U.S. Civil War.
Gurkha a Nepalese soldier in the British or Indian army. [1/2 definitions]
Harriet Tubman American abolitionist who escaped slavery yet returned to the South to rescue others, making use of the Underground Railroad. During the Civil War, Tubman acted as a scout and spy for the Union Army. After the war, she became an activist for the rights of women. (b. 1822?--d. 1913).
headquarter to locate or situate (an organization, army division, or the like) with a headquarters in a specified location.
I.R.A. abbreviation of "Irish Republican Army."
irregular of troops, not belonging to the regular army of a nation. [1/10 definitions]
Joint Chiefs of Staff the principal military advisory body to the President of the United States, consisting of the chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
Juneteenth the anniversary and celebration of the day, June 19, 1865, on which the abolition of slavery in the Confederate states was announced in Texas by Union Army forces. Before this date, slaves in Texas, part of the Confederacy, had no way of knowing that they had been freed on January 1, 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation; thus, June 19th, now a Federal holiday, is celebrated each year in commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States. Technically, all slaves became free in the United States upon the adoption of the 13th Amendment at the end of 1865. The amendment abolished slavery everywhere, including in those slave-owning states that had not joined the Confederacy.
legion an ancient Roman army unit consisting of infantrymen combined with a relatively smaller number of cavalrymen. [1/4 definitions]
lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, Army, or Marine Corps, an officer ranking just below captain; first lieutenant. [2/5 definitions]
MASH abbreviation of "mobile army surgical hospital."
mercenary doing military service for pay alone, esp. in a foreign army. [2/4 definitions]
messmate a person with whom one eats meals regularly, as in the army.
Muhammad Ali, pasha of Egypt an Albanian soldier of the Turkish army who established Egypt as a modern state (b.1769?--d.1849).
NCO abbreviation of "noncommissioned officer," an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.