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NCO abbreviation of "noncommissioned officer," an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.
noncommissioned officer an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.
offensive an attitude or position of attack; attacking side (of an army or sports team). [1/6 definitions]
PFC abbreviation of "private first class," a soldier in the U.S. Army or Marine Corps ranking below a corporal and above a private.
platoon sergeant in the U.S. Army, the senior noncommissioned officer in a platoon.
Post Exchange trademark for a retail store on U.S. Army property that sells goods and services to military personnel and their families, and to some civilians; PX.
private first class a soldier in the U.S. Army or Marine Corps ranking below a corporal and above a private.
provost marshal an army officer in charge of police functions. [1/2 definitions]
PX abbreviation of "post exchange," trademark for a retail store on U.S. Army property that sells goods and services to military personnel and their families, and to some civilians.
ration (pl.) fixed daily supplies, as of food to an army; restricted provisions. [1/5 definitions]
regular a soldier in the regular army. [1/12 definitions]
sans-culotte a member of the poorly dressed revolutionary army in the French Revolution. [1/2 definitions]
second lieutenant the lowest rank of commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Marines, or Air Force.
sepoy in India, formerly, a native soldier who served in a European army, esp. the British army.
sergeant in the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force, any of several ranks of noncommissioned officers above the rank of corporal or airman first class. [1/4 definitions]
sergeant first class in the U.S. Army, a noncommissioned officer who ranks above a staff sergeant and below a master sergeant.
sergeant major in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, a noncommissioned officer of the highest rank. [1/3 definitions]
Signal Corps the U.S. Army branch that handles communications, weather data, and the like.
soldier a person who serves in the army, esp. an enlisted person as opposed to an officer. [2/3 definitions]
specialist any of several enlisted ranks in the U.S. Army above the level of private, requiring specific expertise but no exercise of command. [1/3 definitions]
staff sergeant in the U.S. military, a noncommissioned officer ranking above sergeant and, in the Army, below sergeant first class, in the Air Force, below technical sergeant, and in the Marine Corps, below gunnery sergeant.