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phenyl the monovalent radical that forms the basis of several aromatic compounds, such as benzene, phenol, and aniline.
redolent permeated by or giving off a strong, usu. pleasant, odor; aromatic (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/2 definitions]
Riesling a dry or sweet aromatic white wine. [1/2 definitions]
sagebrush one of a group of shrubs of the daisy family, native to dry areas in southwestern North America, that have aromatic silvery leaves.
sal volatile an aromatic solution of ammonium carbonate in alcohol or ammonia water; smelling salts. [1/2 definitions]
sandalwood the highly aromatic inner wood of certain evergreen trees native to India.
savory2 any of various aromatic herbs related to mint, used esp. as a seasoning in cooking.
Spanish cedar any of several tropical American trees that have reddish aromatic wood. [1/2 definitions]
spearmint a common cultivated mint that yields an aromatic oil used for flavoring, as in candy and chewing gum.
spice a pungent or aromatic odor; fragrance. [1/5 definitions]
spicebush an aromatic yellow-flowered laurel of eastern North America that produces a red fruit that was formerly dried and used as a spice. [2 definitions]
spike lavender an aromatic plant of southern Europe that bears pale purple flowers and yields an oil used in painting.
spikenard an aromatic plant, native to East India, that bears purplish flowers. [2/3 definitions]
spirits of ammonia a solution of ammonia in alcohol and water, often with other aromatic agents.
styrene a clear or yellowish aromatic liquid that polymerizes easily, used esp. in the manufacture of synthetic rubbers and plastics.
sweet cicely any of various herblike plants of North America or Europe that bear clusters of small white flowers and have aromatic roots or leaves.
sweet flag a marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots, and bearing tiny green flowers.
sweet marjoram an annual herb with aromatic leaves that are often dried and used in cooking.
tarragon an aromatic herb with fragrant leaves used for seasoning.
thyme any of several herbs, related to mint and native to southern Europe, that have small aromatic leaves. [1/2 definitions]
thymol a white crystalline aromatic solid derived from thyme oil or synthesized and used in mouthwashes and nasal sprays, perfumes, and preservatives.