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organize to set in order; arrange in a systematic pattern. [1/6 definitions]
orient to place or arrange in a specified relationship to the points of the compass. [1/6 definitions]
overarrange combined form of arrange.
pack1 to arrange in a container for shipment to a market or store. [1/16 definitions]
pair to arrange into groups of two; make a pair or pairs of. [1/10 definitions]
paragraph to divide or arrange into paragraphs. [1/3 definitions]
parley to engage in a discussion with an opponent or enemy, as to arrange a truce. [1/3 definitions]
phase to arrange or carry out in distinct and ordered stages. [1/4 definitions]
plate to place or arrange food on a plate before serving. [1/10 definitions]
plume of a bird, to clean and arrange (its feathers); preen. [1/6 definitions]
pole2 in a dividing nucleus, cell, or organism, one of the two points about which duplicate parts arrange themselves. [1/4 definitions]
pose1 to arrange or position in order to make a picture of. [1/7 definitions]
position to arrange in a particular way or a particular place. [1/9 definitions]
prearrange to arrange beforehand or in advance.
preconcert to arrange or agree on beforehand; settle in advance.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
primp to groom, arrange, or assemble (one's hair, clothing, or the like) with unusually attentive care. [1/2 definitions]
program to arrange into an organized schedule or plan. [1/11 definitions]
provide to set as a rule beforehand; arrange as a condition. [1/7 definitions]
put up to arrange (long hair) so that it stays on one's head rather than hanging down. [1/11 definitions]
randomize to arrange or choose in random order, esp. for scientific purposes.