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Dictionary Suite
genre a category of artistic work marked by a particular specified form, technique, or content. [1/3 definitions]
graphics (used with a pl. verb) artistic reproductions of diagrams, maps, charts, or the like, often used for illustration. [1/3 definitions]
hack2 one who surrenders professional or artistic integrity or commitment in return for monetary reward. [1/10 definitions]
humanity (pl.) a body of artistic and intellectual disciplines including philosophy, literature, history, and fine arts. [1/4 definitions]
illusionism the use of artistic techniques to deceive the eye, as to create an illusion of depth. [1/2 definitions]
inartistic not in accordance with artistic standards or principles; lacking artistry.
juvenilia artistic or written works produced in youth, esp. by artists and writers who have later become famous. [1/2 definitions]
lit. abbreviation of "literature," writings such as dramas, poems, novels, essays, and stories, esp. those that have lasting artistic value.
literature writings such as dramas, poems, novels, essays, and stories, esp. those that have lasting artistic value. [1/3 definitions]
medium a means of personal communication or artistic expression. [1/11 definitions]
mimesis the imitation or reproduction of nature, esp. as an artistic device. [1/2 definitions]
Ming the Chinese dynasty of 1368-1644 known for its scholarly and artistic achievements, esp. in textiles, painting, and porcelains.
modern art artistic production associated with a movement in art that began in the late 19th century and continued through the late 20th century, during which period an interest in realism and the use of traditional materials diminished and an interest in abstraction and experimentation with materials flourished.
museum an institution or building where collections of valuable historical or artistic objects are preserved and displayed.
musicianship proficiency, knowledge, or artistic sensitivity in playing, singing, or conducting music.
musique concrète (French) tape-recorded sounds that are arranged in various combinations, sequences, and rhythmic patterns to create an artistic work.
nocturne a musical or artistic composition that portrays or suggests night or a dreamlike state.
nonartistic combined form of artistic.
objet d'art (French) an object, usu. small, that has artistic or decorative value; bibelot.
pap something considered to lack the substance and complexity suitable for adults, esp. written, artistic, or entertainment material. [1/2 definitions]
Parnassus any center of poetic or artistic endeavor. [1/3 definitions]