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Parnassus any center of poetic or artistic endeavor. [1/3 definitions]
patron a person who acts as a guardian, supporter, or sponsor, as of an artist or an artistic group or institution. [1/2 definitions]
patronage the support, guardianship, or sponsorship provided by patrons, as of artistic endeavors, museums, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
pictorial expressed as if by a picture; suggesting visual or artistic imagery. [1/4 definitions]
pornography written or visual material intended to be sexually stimulating, esp. when void of artistic merit.
poster a large temporary sign made of sturdy paper or cardboard posted in a public place for advertising or displaying information, or a similar sign or artistic print used for decoration in a home or other non-public place.
presentation an artistic performance or representation. [1/4 definitions]
renaissance (cap.) pertaining to the artistic, intellectual, and architectural styles of ancient Greece and Rome which were revived in Europe primarily during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. [1/5 definitions]
repertoire the stock or list of artistic pieces, such as dramatic or operatic roles, that a player or company of players is prepared to perform. [1/2 definitions]
romanticism (usu. cap.) a European artistic and intellectual movement of the early nineteenth century, characterized by an emphasis on individual freedom from social conventions or political restraints, on human imagination, and on nature, usu. in an idealized form. (Cf. classicism.) [1/2 definitions]
Romantic Movement an artistic and intellectual movement, arising in Europe in the late eighteenth century in rebellion against classicism, in which freedom and creativity, individual feeling, mood, mystery, and regard for untamed nature were stressed.
sculpture the art or craft of producing three-dimensional artistic images, as by carving, chiseling, or molding. [2/7 definitions]
set piece a literary, musical, or other artistic work, or part of such a work, that aims to achieve certain effects, esp. technically impressive ones. [1/2 definitions]
stylize to cause to conform to a specific style, especially one that alters reality in an artistic way. [1/2 definitions]
surrealism (sometimes cap.) an artistic and literary movement of the twentieth century that attempts to depict the subconscious mind with dream imagery, fantastic juxtapositions, and other unusual effects.
technician a person who has mastered the technical skills required by an intellectual or artistic discipline. [1/2 definitions]
training school a school that gives specialized vocational, professional, or artistic training. [1/2 definitions]
unartistic combined form of artistic.
unity in art or literature, harmony among the parts or elements that results in a unified artistic effect. [1/5 definitions]
variation a slightly different form or version of something, such as an artistic work. [1/3 definitions]