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Babylonia an ancient empire of about 2800-700 B.C. in southwestern Asia at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Bactrian camel a two-humped camel that is native to central Asia and that is stockier and hairier than an Arabian camel. (Cf. dromedary.)
balm of Gilead any of several small evergreen trees native to western Asia and Africa. [1/2 definitions]
betel nut the nut of the betel palm, chewed together with betel pepper leaves and lime in southeastern Asia as a mild stimulant and narcotic.
betel pepper a climbing plant of tropical Asia; betel.
betta any of several small, brightly colored, long-finned freshwater fishes of tropical Asia, some species of which are kept as aquarium pets.
bicycle rickshaw a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; cycle rickshaw.
black bear any of various dark brown bears, esp. of Asia. [1/2 definitions]
black grouse a large game bird of Europe and Asia, the male of which is black with white markings.
bouncing Bet a perennial plant originating in Europe and Asia that has rounded clusters of pinkish flowers.
Brahmaputra a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
Brahmaputra River a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
Buddhism a spiritual philosophy and religion, founded in the sixth century B.C. by Buddha and widespread in Asia, that teaches release from the self and from one's earthly desires.
buffalo any of various large mammals with long legs, hooves, and horns native to Africa and Asia. [1/4 definitions]
bund an embankment, dike, or embanked road along a waterfront, esp. in Asia.
bustard any of several large long-legged birds related to the cranes and often found in open grassy areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Byzantine Empire one of two divisions of the Roman Empire that flourished from the fourth century until 1453 in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and the western part of Asia Minor; Eastern Roman Empire.
camel either of two species of large, long-necked, humped mammals of Africa and Asia, often domesticated for riding and carrying loads. (Cf. Bactrian camel, dromedary.)
camellia an evergreen shrub or tree, native to Asia, with shiny leaves and large colorful blossoms. [1/2 definitions]
candlenut a tree of tropical Asia and the South Seas that bears oily fruit or nuts, which are used by natives as candles and are processed for commercial use in paints and varnishes. [1/2 definitions]
castor-oil plant a large tropical plant, native to Africa and Asia, from whose seeds castor oil is extracted.