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meetinghouse a building, assembly hall, or house used for public meetings or worship, esp. by Quakers.
module a self-contained, separable assembly of electronic parts. [1/4 definitions]
motion a proposal made to a judge, governmental assembly, or other formal body. [2/8 definitions]
package an assembly or unit ready for installation and operation. [1/6 definitions]
parade an assembly or marching procession of military troops for the purpose of being inspected or displayed. [1/9 definitions]
parliament an assembly or congress for discussion of national or other large issues. [1/3 definitions]
plenum a general assembly or meeting, as of a legislature, with all members present. [1/3 definitions]
prefabricate to construct (building sections, parts, or the like) at a factory , for rapid on-site assembly. [1/2 definitions]
rally1 an assembly of persons for a common purpose; gathering; demonstration. [1/12 definitions]
reassembly combined form of assembly.
Reichstag the legislative assembly of Germany from 1871 to 1945.
representative functioning as an elected or otherwise chosen member to a legislative assembly, and authorized to act on behalf of a constituency. [1/10 definitions]
robot a mechanical device, esp. one controlled electronically, that can perform physical tasks of a human being, often used in industrial assembly or the like. [1/2 definitions]
scribe2 to mark or score (a surface) with a sharp instrument, esp. as a guide for later cutting or assembly.
space station a large artificial satellite in long-term orbit, designed to be used as a military outpost, scientific research laboratory, or site for the assembly and launching of other spacecraft.
speaker (sometimes capitalized) the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives or other legislative assembly. [1/4 definitions]
synagogue an assembly organized for Jewish worship; Jewish congregation. [1/2 definitions]
synod an assembly of the officers of a given church or denomination for the discussion of church affairs; ecclesiastical council. [2 definitions]
town meeting a public assembly, open to all residents of a town. [1/2 definitions]
Universal Declaration of Human Rights the declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, outlining a standard of human rights for all people.
zoom lens a camera lens assembly that can be quickly adjusted to provide varying degrees of magnification with no loss of focus.