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Cape Verde an African country comprising Atlantic islands west of the Senegal coast.
Caribbean Sea an extension of the Atlantic bordered by the West Indies and Central and South America.
carrageen a purplish-brown seaweed found along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America; Irish moss.
coney any of various Atlantic fishes related to the sea bass and grouper. [1/2 definitions]
Congo a river of Central Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean; Zaire. [1/3 definitions]
Congo River a river of central Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean; Zaire River.
Cote d'Ivoire a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Ghana and Liberia.
Delaware a member of an American Indian tribe that formerly lived near the central Atlantic coast. [1/3 definitions]
dogfish any of several small sharks found in coastal waters of the Atlantic and Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
dory2 either of two fishes of the Atlantic that have narrow, flattened bodies and spiny fins.
East Coast the easternmost part of the United States, consisting of the states along the Atlantic coast, often esp. the region stretching from Maine to Washington D.C.
eelgrass a grasslike plant that grows under water, esp. along the Atlantic coast of North America.
English Channel an extension of the Atlantic between England and France.
Erie Canal a U.S. canal that runs through New York State and connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. After many years of work, the canal was completed and opened in 1825.
Europe a continent west of Asia and separated from it by the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, and the Caspian and Black Seas, and including the adjacent islands in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. [1/2 definitions]
France a West European country between Spain and Belgium, and the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
French Guiana an overseas department of France on the Atlantic coast of South America between Suriname and Brazil.
GA abbreviation of "Georgia," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between South Carolina and Florida.
Gabon a country in west central Africa, on the Atlantic coast between Cameroon and Congo.
Gambia River a river that rises in North Guinea in western Africa and flows westward through Senegal and The Gambia to the Atlantic Ocean.
Georgia a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between South Carolina and Florida. (abbr.: GA) [1/2 definitions]