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disdain an attitude or display of contempt; scorn. [1/3 definitions]
dislike a feeling or attitude of distaste, hostility, or antipathy. [1/2 definitions]
elevation a raised or lofty place, position, condition, attitude, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
embitter to make bitter the feelings or attitude of (someone). [1/2 definitions]
emoji any of various small pictorial symbols or images that are used in electronic communication such as in text messages or emails to convey an emotion, attitude, wish, opinion, or the like.
equivocal doubtful or undecided, as in one's opinion or attitude toward something. [1/3 definitions]
expression the use of tone of voice, gestures, attitude of the body, or facial demeanor to communicate feeling. [1/5 definitions]
fatuity a stupid or foolish act, gesture, utterance, or attitude. [1/2 definitions]
feeling (often pl.) an opinion or attitude. [1/10 definitions]
frost indifference or coldness in behavior or attitude. [1/9 definitions]
frosty cold in manner or attitude. [1/4 definitions]
gall1 a bitter emotion or attitude. [1/4 definitions]
Germanize to become or cause to become German in character, language, attitude, or the like.
globalism the policy or attitude of putting global or worldwide concerns before national ones.
good will an attitude of friendliness or kindness; benevolence. [1/3 definitions]
halo effect the tendency of extraneous material or ideas to affect a judgment, attitude, or the like, esp. in a favorable direction. [1/2 definitions]
hauteur arrogance of manner or attitude; haughtiness.
hawk1 (informal) a person who favors war or a warlike attitude as national policy. (Cf. dove1.) [1/5 definitions]
inhospitality an inhospitable attitude or behavior; lack of hospitality.
inspiring causing an elevation in one's desire to accomplish or create something, or to make a positive change in one's life or attitude.
internalize to make internal, esp. to hold in or to incorporate into one's personality, attitude, or system of beliefs.