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ho used to attract attention, or used to urge movement in a particular direction. [1/2 definitions]
industrial park a tract of land provided with the public utilities, zoning regulations, and the like required by, and designed to attract, industry.
invite to attract or entice. [1/5 definitions]
loss leader a popular commodity that a retail store sells at or below its wholesale cost in order to attract customers to buy other goods at regular prices.
low profile a manner or form designed not to attract attention; deliberately inconspicuous presence or activity.
lure bait used to attract and catch animals, esp. an artificial bait for fish. [2/3 definitions]
magnet someone, something, or some idea that tends to attract people. [1/2 definitions]
magnetic having the power to attract people. [1/4 definitions]
magnetism the qualities and properties associated with magnets; ability to attract. [2/3 definitions]
magnetize to attract by means of personal magnetism; enthrall; captivate. [1/2 definitions]
medicine show a usu. small group of traveling salespeople who put on entertaining shows to attract customers for the patent medicines and other cures offered for sale.
nudge to push gently or touch, esp. with the elbow and esp. so as to attract attention. [1/4 definitions]
pilot film a film or tape of one episode of a proposed television series, designed to attract commercial sponsors and enlist network support.
Ponzi scheme a dishonest investment scheme in which early investors receive artificially high returns from money paid in by later investors, the high returns being publicized to attract further investors.
psst used to attract the attention.
pull to attract. [1/16 definitions]
rake1 to gather or attract copious amounts of (often fol. by "in"). [1/12 definitions]
rivet to attract and hold (a person's gaze, attention, interest, or the like) or hold the gaze, attention, or the like of (a person). [1/3 definitions]
seduce to induce to commit any action; entice; attract. [1/3 definitions]
set one's cap for to try to attract as a husband or wife.
sexploitation (informal) the use of explicit sexual details or scenes, as in a film, to attract a larger audience.