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Dictionary Suite
good-looking attractive or pleasing in appearance; beautiful or handsome.
good looks attractive personal appearance; handsomeness; beauty.
gravitation a movement toward something attractive. [1/3 definitions]
handsome having a pleasing, attractive, and healthy appearance. [2/3 definitions]
hibiscus any of numerous plants related to mallow, with large, attractive, and colorful flowers.
hot sexually attractive; sexy. [1/11 definitions]
knockout (informal) an unusually attractive or impressive person or object. [1/3 definitions]
luscious appealing; attractive; seductive. [1/2 definitions]
nice agreeable; attractive; appealing. [1/6 definitions]
nifty (informal) attractive, stylish, admirable, or cleverly contrived.
nubile of a young woman, sexually attractive. [1/2 definitions]
nymphet a pubescent girl, often sexually precocious, who is considered sexually attractive.
patina a surface gloss or other attractive quality imparted by time and use to a material such as wood or leather. [1/4 definitions]
personable pleasing in appearance or manner; friendly; attractive.
photogenic attractive as a subject for, or appearing attractive in, photographs. [1/3 definitions]
pit1 anything that seems attractive but that can lead to danger or distress. [1/14 definitions]
plain not attractive or striking in appearance. [1/8 definitions]
prepossessing attractive or impressive; pleasing.
prettify to give a pretty, attractive, or pleasant appearance to (usu. something ugly or unpleasant). [1/2 definitions]
pretty pleasing or attractive to the senses, esp. the eyes or ears. [2/5 definitions]
refurbish to make clean, fresh, and attractive again, as by renovating, refurnishing, or repainting (a home, office, or the like).