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last1 most authoritative. [1/12 definitions]
last word a final, authoritative statement, work, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
locus classicus a passage from a classic or authoritative source that is cited to illustrate a point.
mandate an authoritative order or directive, as from a sovereign or from a higher court to a lower one. [1/6 definitions]
masterful showing expert skill or mastery; authoritative.
ordain to establish, order, or proclaim, esp. by authoritative decree. [1/4 definitions]
pundit an authoritative, or purportedly authoritative, commentator or critic. [1/3 definitions]
sanction an official or authoritative approval, as of an action, behavior, or the like; permission. [1/8 definitions]
say-so an authoritative judgment or assertion; command. [1/3 definitions]
Scripture (sometimes l.c.) any sacred or authoritative text. [1/3 definitions]
Shiite a member of the Shiah sect of Islam, which does not accept the Sunna as authoritative and considers Muhammad's son-in-law Ali to be the legitimate successor to Muhammad. (Cf. Sunnite.)
Sunnite a member of the main sect of Islam, believing in the Sunna as an authoritative supplement to the Koran, and accepting the first four caliphs as Muhammad's rightful successors; Sunni. (Cf. Shiite.)
take-charge taking forceful leadership; responsible and authoritative.
Talmud the two-part collection of rabbinic writings on civil and religious law that is authoritative for traditional, esp. Orthodox, Judaism. (See Mishnah, Gemara.)
textual criticism the scholarly study of a written text, as to determine authorship or the original or most authoritative version.
top dog (informal) a person, team, group, nation, or the like that is in a dominant, authoritative, leading, or favored position, esp. among competitors.
ukase any authoritative edict or proclamation, esp. of an absolute ruler. [1/2 definitions]
unquestioned accepted as true, justified, or valid without consideration of any other possibility; authoritative, undisputed, or undoubted. [1/2 definitions]
weighty authoritative; influential. [1/4 definitions]
white paper any thorough and authoritative report on a major issue. [1/2 definitions]
word an authoritative signal or command. [1/10 definitions]