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pace1 to walk back and forth as if nervous. [1/12 definitions]
pendular of or like a pendulum's motion; swinging back and forth.
pendulous swinging back and forth. [1/2 definitions]
pendulum a weight suspended on a long cord, wire, or lever so as to swing back and forth under the influence of gravity.
rally1 in sports such as tennis or volleyball, to hit the ball back and forth several times before a point is scored or before the game begins. [2/12 definitions]
rock2 to sway strongly back and forth or from side to side. [3/9 definitions]
rocking chair a chair mounted on rockers or springs that rock back and forth; rocker.
rockshaft a machine shaft that oscillates or rocks back and forth on its bearings instead of revolving.
rub to apply friction and pressure to with a back and forth motion. [1/8 definitions]
shake to move back and forth or up and down with rapid, jerky motions. [2/16 definitions]
shuffle a dance in which the feet are dragged along the floor, or a tap dance step in which they are brushed back and forth against the floor before lifting. [1/8 definitions]
shuttle a moving part in a loom that carries the woof back and forth through the warp. [3/7 definitions]
shuttle diplomacy diplomacy between two countries conducted by an intermediary who travels back and forth between them.
slalom a downhill ski race back and forth around poles or gates marking the course. [1/2 definitions]
slide a part of a musical instrument, tool, or machine that moves back and forth. [1/14 definitions]
slide trombone a trombone equipped with a slide, or movable section of tube, which is pushed back and forth to produce different tones.
solenoid a device consisting of such a coil and a metal bar that moves back and forth through the center of it, often used as a switching mechanism. [1/2 definitions]
sway to swing back and forth or from side to side; rock. [2/11 definitions]
swing to cause (something hanging or suspended) to move back and forth around a point or on an axis. [4/24 definitions]
tender3 a vessel engaged in ferrying provisions back and forth from shore to other vessels. [1/2 definitions]
tennis a game in which two players or two pairs of players, using rackets, hit a ball back and forth over a low net on a rectangular court.