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chair a piece of furniture, usu. with a back and four legs, for one person to sit on. [1/5 definitions]
chassis in a gun, the groove along which the carriage moves back and forth. [1/4 definitions]
chignon a hairstyle in which a woman's long hair is coiled, rolled, or twisted and secured at the nape of the neck or back of the head.
chipmunk a small, squirrel-like rodent with a striped back and bushy tail, found in North America and Asia.
choke to cause to stop, esp. by forceful suppression (often fol. by "back" or "off"). [1/9 definitions]
chord1 the straight line connecting the front and back edges of an airfoil. [1/3 definitions]
chow2 a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
claw hammer a hammer with the back side of the head curved and split in two to resemble a pair of claws, used to pry out nails.
clerical collar a stiff narrow white collar, fastened at the back of the neck, worn by certain members of the clergy.
coattail the loose back part of a coat below the waist, esp. either half of this part when divided by a vent, as in a cutaway.
cock1 to set a gun's firing mechanism so that it is ready to fire, as by pulling back the hammer. [1/8 definitions]
commutation the travel back and forth of a commuter; commuting. [1/3 definitions]
commute to travel regularly back and forth between two points, usu. the home and workplace. [1/7 definitions]
constrain to hold back; restrain. [1/3 definitions]
contain to hold back or set limits on; establish boundaries for; restrict. [1/4 definitions]
cornrow a hairstyle, originally African, in which the hair is divided into sections from front to back, and each section is then tightly braided close to the scalp. [1/3 definitions]
couch a large piece of upholstered furniture with a back and usu. with arms, on which several people can sit or one can lie; sofa. [1/4 definitions]
count backwards to say or write the numbers in reverse order starting with a given number; count back.
countermarch a march back over the same route. [1/3 definitions]
crawfish (informal) to back out of an enterprise. [1/2 definitions]
crick a painful stiffness or cramp, esp. in the neck or back. [2 definitions]