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bubonic plague an epidemic disease caused by bacteria transmitted from rats to humans by fleas, spread by contagion and characterized by chills, fever, swollen glands, and weakness.
clostridium any of a genus of spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria, Clostridium, that inhabits soil or the intestinal tract of humans.
cultivate to grow or prepare a culture of (tissue, bacteria, or the like). [1/5 definitions]
culture a colony of bacteria or other microscopic living matter, often produced for medical purposes or scientific experimentation. [1/8 definitions]
digestion the decomposing of waste matter by bacteria. [1/3 definitions]
doxycycline a tetracycline antibiotic used to treat infections of bacteria and protozoa.
E. coli a species of bacteria, present in the intestines of all vertebrates, that is widely used in biological research.
erythromycin an antibiotic derived from a soil bacterium, used in the treatment of various diseases caused by bacteria.
filterable capable of being filtered, or of passing through a filter, as certain viruses and bacteria.
filterable virus a virus capable of passing through bacteria-retaining filters and thus remaining infectious.
Gram's method a method of classifying bacteria by staining them with a violet dye, the retention or loss of which determines their classification.
hexachlorophene a white, nearly odorless powder used in medicine and cosmetics to inhibit or eliminate bacteria.
legume any of the family of plants, including beans and peas, that bear their seeds and fruit in pods and have roots containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. [1/2 definitions]
leptospirosis any of various systemic infections in humans and animals, variously affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, or the like, that is caused by a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria found in water and sewage.
listeria any of various rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Listeria that infects humans and other animals through contaminated food. [2 definitions]
lysin any of various antibodies that destroy bacteria or red blood cells.
microbiology the branch of biology dealing with viruses and one-celled organisms such as bacteria and protozoans.
microbiome the total collection of microorganisms, such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, that are found in a particular biological environment, esp. the environment of the human body or particular parts of it such as the human gut or the skin.
micrococcus any of various rounded or oval-shaped bacteria that appear in irregular clusters and survive on dead or living organic matter.
nitrogen fixation any of various processes to convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds with other elements, either naturally, as by bacteria, in leguminous plants or the soil, or chemically for industrial use, fertilizers, and the like.
pasteurize to heat (milk, cheese, beer, or the like) to a high temperature for a certain period in order to kill most of the harmful bacteria and retard fermentation.