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counter1 a high, flat surface, usu. long and narrow and with a solid or bulky base, at which people sit on stools or stand to transact business, eat, or prepare food. [1/2 definitions]
cover in sports, to guard (an opponent) or guard (a base). [1/21 definitions]
crew neck a rounded neckline, as on a sweater, that fits closely at the base of the neck.
crupper a leather strap that is looped around the base of a horse's tail and attached to a harness or riding saddle to keep it from sliding forward. [1/2 definitions]
cumulus a large, puffy, white cloud with a flat base. [1/2 definitions]
cuticle the hardened, nonliving skin at the base and sides of fingernails and toenails. [1/3 definitions]
cytosine the pyrimidine base of the nucleotide cytidine, an essential component of the genetic material DNA and RNA.
Da Nang a port city in central Vietnam on the China Sea, site of an important U.S. military base during the Vietnam War.
death cup a poisonous mushroom with white gills and a bulbous cup surrounding the base of the stalk.
decimal a number written in the base ten system; a number having a decimal point. [1/5 definitions]
derrick a device for lifting and moving heavy loads, usu. consisting of a stationary mast and a rotating boom that projects upward from its base. [1/2 definitions]
diamond a baseball field, or the part of it having the four bases and base paths. [1/7 definitions]
double in baseball, a two-base hit. [2/19 definitions]
elixir a substance believed by alchemists or others to be capable of changing base metals into gold, or of prolonging life. [1/4 definitions]
erect in geometry, to draw (a figure) upon a defined line or other base. [1/7 definitions]
Erlenmeyer flask a conical laboratory flask with a broad, flat base and a short, narrow neck, used to mix liquids by hand.
fair ball a batted baseball that stays within the foul lines if airborne or, if it hits the ground before the outfield, that stays within the foul lines until it has gone beyond first or third base.
fielder's choice in baseball, a fielder's decision, on a batted ground ball, to put out a base runner instead of the batter.
first base the defensive position of the infielder stationed at or near this base. [1/2 definitions]
first baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at first base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
foot fault in tennis, a violation caused if both feet are not behind the base line when one is serving.