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Valkyrie in Scandinavian mythology, any of the maidens who bring dead battle heroes to Valhalla and attend them there.
victor one who wins a contest, battle, argument, or the like, esp. one who defeats an enemy in armed struggle; winner.
victory the final, decisive defeat of an enemy in a battle, war, or contest. [1/2 definitions]
war cry a shout uttered by warriors in battle. [1/2 definitions]
war dance a tribal dance, esp. by some American Indians, performed before a battle, or after a victory.
war-horse formerly, a horse used in battle. [1/3 definitions]
war paint pigments applied to the face and body by warriors, as those of some American Indian tribes, before a battle.
warrior a person who fights or has experience in battle; soldier. [1/2 definitions]
whoop a loud, high-pitched shout or cry, such as a battle cry, or a cry of excitement, happiness, or enthusiasm. [1/8 definitions]
win to capture in battle. [1/9 definitions]