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gibbet a structure built for execution by hanging and for the public exhibition of those hanged, consisting of a vertical post to which a horizontal beam is attached at the top; gallows. [1/2 definitions]
girder a heavy beam, usu. made of steel or wood, that serves as a horizontal support in a bridge or building.
gleam a slight, sudden, or brief flash or beam of light; glint. [2/5 definitions]
hologram a three-dimensional photograph produced by a laser beam reflected off an object onto film.
I-beam a steel beam, used for construction, whose cross section resembles the capital letter I in shape.
kinescope a cathode-ray tube that directs a beam of electrons to reproduce a transmitted picture on a luminescent screen; picture tube. [1/3 definitions]
king post in carpentry, a supporting vertical post between the apex of a triangular truss and the horizontal tie beam. (Cf. queen post.)
laser a device that amplifies electrical impulses at mixed frequencies in or near the range of visible light by stimulating the atoms in a medium such as a gas or crystal, producing an intense, concentrated beam of light at one or more virtually distinct frequencies (acronym for "light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation").
lintel a supporting horizontal beam at the top of a doorway or window.
mass spectrometer an instrument used to determine the mass and abundance of charged particles in a prepared beam, by passing it through an electromagnetic field and electronically recording the distribution of particles, often for the purpose of chemical analysis.
photocoagulation a technique using intense light energy, such as a laser beam, to produce scar tissue, as in the treatment of certain eye disorders, and in biological research.
projector a machine for projecting an image onto a screen by casting a beam of light through photographic film.
prop1 to support, stabilize, or sustain with or as if with a beam, stick, stone, or the like. [2/4 definitions]
queen post one of two upright posts that are set between the tie beam and rafters of a roof truss, one on either side of center.
ray1 a thin beam of radiation, esp. light. [1/3 definitions]
ridgepole the horizontal beam or timber along the top of a sloping roof. [1/2 definitions]
rooftree a horizontal beam running the length of a roof at its peak; ridgepole.
scan to move a radar, electron, or other beam over, or subject to magnetic or sound waves, in order to search for targets or information or to transmit images. [1/10 definitions]
searchlight a lamp, usu. with a reflector, that can direct a powerful beam of light in any direction.
shaft a straight beam, as of light. [1/11 definitions]
shore2 a usu. angled post or beam that supports something such as a building or a ship in port. [1/2 definitions]