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Dictionary Suite
phoenix (sometimes cap.) in Egyptian mythology, a beautiful bird that lives for about five hundred years, sets itself on fire, and rises reborn from the ashes, symbolizing immortality.
psyche (cap.) in Greek mythology, a beautiful girl who was loved by Eros. [1/3 definitions]
scenic of, pertaining to, or showing natural, beautiful scenery. [1/3 definitions]
starlet a young and beautiful actress, esp. of films.
statuesque having a graceful, beautiful, or dignified form; like a statue; tall and well-shaped.
striking beautiful or handsome in a unique way. [1/2 definitions]
symmetry a pleasing or appropriate relationship of the size and form of parts to the whole; beautiful proportion. [1/2 definitions]
taste the ability to discern what is beautiful and harmonious. [1/15 definitions]
ugly duckling a person or thing that at first seems unattractive or unpromising, but later becomes beautiful or admirable.
wood thrush a large common North American woodland thrush with a reddish head and large dark spots on a white breast, noted for its beautiful song.