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chemist (chiefly British) a shop where medicines are sold by prescription, as well as other articles for health, beauty, and personal cleansing; drugstore. [1/3 definitions]
court plaster a small piece of fabric coated on one side with isinglass and glycerin or some other adhesive, formerly used on the skin to protect cuts or scratches or for cosmetic purposes in the form of so-called beauty spots.
divine godlike in power, excellence, beauty, or the like. [1/12 definitions]
exquisite of exceptional beauty or charm; delicately or finely made. [1/4 definitions]
fairyland the imaginary abode of fairies, or a real place of great beauty and charm.
fascinate to arouse and hold attention and interest, as by charm or beauty. [1/3 definitions]
fashion clothing styles in general, or clothing design, esp. with respect to such qualities as beauty, elegance, or innovation. [1/7 definitions]
fine art (often pl.) art, esp. visual art, practiced and admired for its beauty or significance rather than its practicality or usefulness. [1/3 definitions]
gild to give the mere appearance of beauty, goodness, or quality, so as to deceive. [1/2 definitions]
glorious characterized by great beauty, splendor, or magnificence. [1/4 definitions]
glory great beauty, splendor, or magnificence. [1/8 definitions]
god a man of exceptional physical beauty. [1/6 definitions]
goddess a woman of exceptional beauty, charm, or grace. [1/3 definitions]
gold comparable to gold in beauty, value, desirability, or the like. [1/11 definitions]
good looks attractive personal appearance; handsomeness; beauty.
grace beauty, harmony, or charm in bearing, appearance, or motion. [4/10 definitions]
graceful marked by grace or beauty of movement, manner, or behavior.
homely lacking beauty; plain; unattractive. [1/3 definitions]
location a specific site for a residence or business, in regard to appropriateness, beauty, opportunity, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
lovely having a beauty that appeals to the moral being rather than to the senses. [1/3 definitions]
magnificent very grand or splendid; extremely impressive in size or beauty. [1/2 definitions]