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dream to imagine something with a desire for its becoming reality (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/13 definitions]
dressing gown a robe worn while relaxing or before becoming fully dressed.
duster a lightweight outer garment, designed to prevent clothes from becoming dirty. [1/4 definitions]
endangered species a species of plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.
epiblast the outer layer of cells of a developing embryo that later becomes the ectoderm, but that also contains cells capable of becoming the mesoderm or endoderm. [1/2 definitions]
erectile of a body organ, capable of becoming distended or rigidly raised by the swelling of blood vessels. [1/2 definitions]
-escent beginning to be; beginning; becoming. [1/3 definitions]
evolution a gradual process of change and development that something goes through, usu. becoming more complex and sometimes better. [1/3 definitions]
extinction the act or process of becoming or making extinct, or of being ended or putting an end to. [1/2 definitions]
fascination the act of fascinating, or the condition or an instance of becoming fascinated. [1/2 definitions]
globalization the process or idea of the world becoming more like that of a single nation with one shared economy and culture rather than separate, distinct countries.
glue sniffing the potentially brain-damaging act or practice of inhaling the fumes of certain types of glue, such as model airplane glue, and thereby becoming intoxicated, giddy, or the like.
hypochondria a pathological preoccupation with the likelihood of becoming ill or with imagined pains or diseases.
intoxication the act or an instance of becoming drunk or drugged. [1/3 definitions]
juvenescent becoming youthful or young.
keep one's shirt on (informal) to hold one's temper; refrain from becoming angry or impatient.
lactescent milky, or becoming milky. [1/3 definitions]
liquefaction the act of becoming or causing to become liquid. [1/2 definitions]
maturation the act or process of becoming mature in structure, behavior, or the like.
meme an online image or piece of language that catches the popular imagination and is repeated over and over in one form or another through social media, often becoming the basis of humor. [1/2 definitions]
mysticism the doctrine of attaining spiritual understanding by transcending ordinary human reality and thus becoming intimately united with an otherwise elusive reality. [1/3 definitions]