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filet mignon a small, round, usu. thick cut of meat from the thick end of a beef tenderloin, that is usu. broiled.
frankfurter a thin smoked sausage, usu. made from beef or a mixture of beef and pork.
grain-fed of or pertaining to cattle that are fed a diet consisting primarily of corn and soy grains, or to beef produced by such cattle.
grass-fed of or pertaining to cattle that eat a diet consisting primarily of grass, or to beef produced by such cattle.
ground beef beef that has been put through a grinder for use in such things as hamburgers, meatloaf, and meat sauces.
hamburger ground beef in bulk or in a patty, or the sandwich in which such meat is commonly served.
Hereford any of a breed of beef cattle having reddish coats, white faces, and other white markings.
Irish stew a stew of meat such as mutton or beef, with potatoes, onions, and a thick, brown gravy.
jerky2 beef or venison that has been preserved by being cut into long strips and dried.
junk1 a type of hard beef preserved with salt, used esp. aboard a ship. [1/5 definitions]
kishke beef casing stuffed with meal, fat, onion, seasonings, and the like, then steamed and roasted; stuffed derma.
London broil a piece of beef, often from the flank, that is usu. marinated and broiled, and served in thin slices.
longhorn one of a breed of beef cattle with long horns that was once common in the southwestern United States and is now nearly extinct.
marbling streaks or flecks of fat in meat, esp. beef. [1/3 definitions]
meatloaf a baked loaf of ground meats such as beef, pork, and veal mixed with egg, bread crumbs, and the like.
mince meat, usually beef, that has been cut up into very small pieces using a special machine; ground beef. [1/7 definitions]
pastrami a highly seasoned, smoked cut of beef, usu. from the shoulder.
pepperoni a hard, highly spiced Italian sausage made of beef and pork.
prime ribs (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a widely favored cut of beef, coming from the seven ribs in front of the loin.
red meat meat that has a red color before cooking, such as beef, venison, or mutton.
Reuben a hot sandwich made with rye bread filled with corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and a dressing.