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noblesse oblige the presumption that wealthy, aristocratic, or powerful people have an obligation to behave charitably and honorably, esp. towards people who are less fortunate.
palter to speak or behave insincerely. [1/2 definitions]
pattern to make, fashion, or behave according to a pattern. [1/9 definitions]
play to behave in a specified way. [1/22 definitions]
playact to behave in an artificial manner. [1/3 definitions]
pontificate to speak or behave with exaggerated authority. [1/3 definitions]
putz (slang) to behave idly; putter (often fol. by "around"). [1/2 definitions]
rash1 tending to behave in a hasty or ill-considered manner; impetuous. [1/2 definitions]
rogue to live or behave like a rogue. [1/6 definitions]
showboat (informal) to show off; behave flamboyantly. [1/3 definitions]
slam-bang (informal) to behave in a boisterous, reckless way. [1/6 definitions]
sneak to behave as though one has something to hide or be ashamed of. [1/4 definitions]
spontaneity an unforced, unplanned quality of behavior, or a willingness to behave in a way that is not thought out beforehand. [1/2 definitions]
swell to become inflated with pride or vanity; behave in a pompous manner. [1/19 definitions]
temporize to behave or act in a manner appropriate to the time or circumstances, rather than according to personal beliefs or principles. [1/4 definitions]
tend1 to have an inclination or disposition to behave in a certain way or display a certain characteristic; be inclined. [1/2 definitions]
tendency the characteristic of being likely to feel or behave in a certain way. [1/2 definitions]
treat to behave toward (a person or animal) in a particular way. [1/11 definitions]