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gaslight to use psychological manipulation in an attempt to make (a person or persons) believe that they are losing their sanity or that their memories or valid suspicions are false. [1/3 definitions]
gaslighting psychological manipulation that attempts to make a person or persons believe that they are losing their sanity or that their memories or valid suspicions are false.
give to provide cause for (someone) to believe that a certain thing is true. [1/13 definitions]
guess to think or believe without absolute knowledge of the facts; suppose. [1/6 definitions]
hold1 to have as an opinion or belief; believe; adhere to. [1/18 definitions]
hope to believe with some confidence. [1/6 definitions]
implausible hard to believe or credit.
inconceivable difficult to believe or find credible. [1/2 definitions]
incredible difficult or impossible to believe. [1/2 definitions]
incredulity the state of refusal to believe.
infidel one who does not believe in or accept a religious faith, esp. that of Christianity or Islam. [1/2 definitions]
Inner Light the guiding force of God that Quakers believe exists in every human soul.
mislead to cause (someone) to believe in something false or to make a wrong choice. [1/2 definitions]
opine to present or believe as one's own opinion. [1/2 definitions]
persuade to cause (another) to believe something; convince. [1/2 definitions]
persuasive having the ability to cause another to do or believe something.
playact to act out fantasies; pretend; make believe. [1/3 definitions]
pretend to act the part of a real or imagined character, or act out imaginary events, in play; make believe. [2/7 definitions]
pretense the act of imagining or of acting a part, as in play; make-believe. [1/4 definitions]
racist made up of members of the same race who believe in and act on the notion that the race to which they belong is superior to another race or races. [1/7 definitions]
repute to consider or believe (someone or something) to have a certain trait (usu. used in the passive). [1/3 definitions]