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repute to consider or believe (someone or something) to have a certain trait (usu. used in the passive). [1/3 definitions]
self-deception the act or process, or an instance, of allowing oneself to believe something that is not true.
slay (informal) to overcome or amaze, usu. by being humorous or hard to believe. [1/2 definitions]
suppose to believe while allowing for the possibility of being wrong; think. [1/4 definitions]
suspect to believe in the possible guilt of (someone) without knowing all the facts. [3/7 definitions]
swallow1 (informal) to believe naively, or to accept without resisting or questioning. [1/8 definitions]
tall (informal) hard to believe; full of exaggeration. [1/6 definitions]
teosinte any of several grasses of the genus Zea native to Mexico and Central America that are similar to corn. Scientists believe that corn was domesticated from a type of teosinte.
think to expect or believe. [2/13 definitions]
tooth fairy a make-believe creature who leaves money under children's pillows in exchange for lost teeth placed there for her.
Trinitarian believing or claiming to believe in this doctrine. [1/4 definitions]
trust to believe in the honesty of something or someone. [1/14 definitions]
unbelievable very hard to believe; extremely unlikely or beyond any reasonable expectation.
unbeliever a person who does not believe; skeptic; doubter. [1/2 definitions]
yarn (informal) a long tale that is often exaggerated or hard to believe. [1/4 definitions]