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eyetooth a canine tooth in the upper jaw, located beneath the eye.
fisher spider any of a family of nursery-web spiders that have the ability to skate across and dive beneath the surface of water, also called a dock spider.
flesh the soft tissue beneath the skin and surrounding the bones of an animal or human body, including muscle and fat. [2/9 definitions]
foundation the masonry or stone structure that supports a building from beneath. [1/4 definitions]
ground water the water beneath the earth's surface that supplies springs and wells.
hardpan any hard layer beneath the soil, such as hard subsoil or clay. [1/2 definitions]
harmonica a small rectangular hand-held wind instrument played by blowing and inhaling air over a set of metal reeds recessed beneath a row of air holes; mouth organ.
hoop skirt a long, full skirt, fashionable in the eighteenth century, that was made to bell out by hoops worn beneath.
hypo- under; beneath. [1/2 definitions]
hypodermic pertaining to the layer of tissue beneath the skin. [1/4 definitions]
hypodermic injection the injection of a substance, usu. a medicine or drug, into a vein, muscle, or tissue beneath the skin.
hypodermis in plants, a layer of cells directly beneath the epidermis. [2 definitions]
infra- beneath; below.
infra dig (informal) beneath one's dignity.
kneehole a space for the knees, as beneath a desk.
land mine an explosive device concealed beneath the surface of the ground, that is detonated by pressure, as of moving troops or vehicles.
liposuction a surgical procedure that uses suction to remove fat from beneath the skin for cosmetic purposes.
magma the hot, liquefied rock beneath the earth's surface that rises to the top of a volcano. [1/2 definitions]
marimba a large musical instrument similar to a xylophone, consisting of a series of graduated hardwood bars, usu. with resonators beneath them, that are struck with small mallets.
mascon a massive concentration of very dense matter beneath the surface of the moon.
Mohole a hole that penetrates the earth's crust and the area beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity, used for geological study.