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Mohole a hole that penetrates the earth's crust and the area beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity, used for geological study.
Mohorovicic discontinuity the irregular jointure of the earth's crust with the layer of mantle rock beneath it, positioned nearly twenty-two miles beneath the continental land masses and from three to six miles beneath the ocean floor.
'neath contracted form of "beneath".
Ouija trademark for a board having the alphabet and the numbers 1 through 10 printed on it, and a smaller board on casters which supposedly moves beneath one's fingers by power of spirits to spell out messages.
parietal lobe that part of each hemisphere of the brain that is beneath a parietal bone.
parotid of or relating to either of a pair of the larger salivary glands found beneath and to the front of the ear. [1/2 definitions]
petroleum a thick, flammable mineral oil obtained by drilling beneath the earth's surface and processed into various fuels and lubricants, naphtha, paraffin, and other products.
phellogen in woody plants, a tissue layer that lies just beneath the outer bark and generates the outer bark cells; cork cambium.
pier table a low table set against a wall between two windows, often beneath a tall mirror.
pit saw a large saw used to cut wood lengthwise that is handled by two persons, one positioned on the log and the second in a pit or trench beneath it.
platform bed a flat mattress support mounted on legs, often having the space beneath enclosed and fitted with storage drawers.
play footsie with (informal) to engage in flirtation or surreptitious sexual intimacies with, as by touching someone's foot beneath a table. [1/2 definitions]
rocker panel any of the panels on the body and beneath the doors of an automotive vehicle.
safety net a large net suspended beneath circus aerialists in case of a fall. [1/2 definitions]
seamount a high mountain far beneath the surface of the sea.
skull and crossbones a representation of a human skull with two long bones crossed beneath it, formerly used on pirates' flags and now used as a warning sign, as on poisons.
subclavian located beneath the clavicle. [2/4 definitions]
subduction the process by which a lithospheric plate moves sideways and downward into the mantle beneath a neighboring plate.
suborbital beneath the eye socket. (Cf. supraorbital.) [1/2 definitions]
subsoil the layer of earth or weathered material lying just beneath the surface soil.
subway (chiefly British) a passage or tunnel beneath a road, railway, or the like, that allows for pedestrian traffic; underpass. [1/3 definitions]