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Roman Catholic Church a Christian church organized into a hierarchy of bishops and priests that is headed by the pope, or Bishop of Rome; Latin Church.
Saint Nicholas a Greek bishop of the fourth century and Christian saint renowned for his giving of small gifts and from whose legend evolved the cultural figure of Santa Claus associated with the Christmas holiday (b. 270 A.D.?--d. 343 A.D.). [1/2 definitions]
see2 the official seat of authority of a bishop.
suffragan assisting or auxiliary to a bishop or archbishop. [2 definitions]
vicar in the Roman Catholic Church, a clergyman who represents or performs the functions of another such as a bishop. [1/3 definitions]
vicar apostolic in the Roman Catholic Church, a titular bishop who serves in a district without a hierarchy or see.
vicar-general an administrative aide to a bishop or other ecclesiastical officer in a church. [1/2 definitions]