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duck2 to lower one's head or whole body quickly, so as to hide or to avoid a blow or contact with a moving object. [2/7 definitions]
dynamite to blow up, blast holes in, or destroy by using dynamite. [1/3 definitions]
exhale to breathe or blow (vapor, air, or the like) out; emit as breath. [1/4 definitions]
fillip a blow caused by or the action of suddenly releasing a finger that has been held down with the thumb. [1/5 definitions]
flick a sharp, light blow or stroke, as with a finger, brush, whip, or the like. [3/6 definitions]
funny bone the place on the back of the elbow where a sharp blow causes a strange tingling sensation.
go for the jugular to attempt to inflict a seriously wounding or fatal blow; attempt to defeat decisively.
groggy dazed, confused, or off-balance as a result of a blow or fall, anesthesia, or the like.
gust to blow in gusts. [1/3 definitions]
Guy Fawkes Day November 5, a holiday in the UK on the anniversary of Guy Hawkes' failed attempt in 1605 to blow up the House of Lords, celebrated with bonfires and fireworks.
haymaker (informal) a knockout blow with the fist. [1/2 definitions]
hit to deliver a blow or stroke to. [3/16 definitions]
hook in boxing, a short swinging blow or punch, made with the arm bent. [1/19 definitions]
huff to pant or puff; blow with open mouth. [1/3 definitions]
jar2 to deal a solid knock or blow to (something) with resulting vibration or pain. [1/9 definitions]
jolt to shake up or cause to move as by a sudden and forceful blow. [2/7 definitions]
kick to deliver a blow to with the foot. [3/14 definitions]
knock to deal a sharp blow to; strike; hit. [2/10 definitions]
knockdown an overpowering blow. [1/6 definitions]
lash1 a stroke, sweep, or blow by a whip. [1/11 definitions]
left1 in boxing, a blow struck with the left fist. [1/6 definitions]