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altitude in astronomy, the angular distance of a celestial body, measured from the horizon. [1/4 definitions]
amino acid any of the organic acids necessary to build proteins and sustain life, some of which cannot be synthesized in the body and so must be consumed in the diet.
amyloid a result of the degeneration of body tissue, occurring in the form of a hard waxy protein deposit. [1/3 definitions]
amyloidosis a condition characterized by deposition of amyloid in the body.
anabolism the process in living organisms by which complex structures are synthesized from simple ones, as body tissues from food.
analeptic of medication, restoring strength to the body after a disease or after the effects of sedatives. [2 definitions]
anatomical peculiarity a physical trait or characteristic of one's body that is considered unusual or abnormal.
anchor a heavy device, connected by a cable to a boat or ship, that is dropped to the bottom of a body of water to restrict the vessel's motion. [1/7 definitions]
anesthetic a drug that causes anesthesia in the whole body or in a localized area. [1/2 definitions]
angle of incidence the angle that the line of movement of a body or of radiation, meeting a surface, makes with a line that is at right angles to the surface at the point of meeting.
angular having a bony structure, as a person's body. [1/3 definitions]
angulation in skiing, a body position in which the knees and upper body lean into the hill while weight is placed on the downhill ski. [1/3 definitions]
animism the belief that spiritual beings or souls can exist without a body to house them. [1/3 definitions]
anthropometry a branch of anthropology concerned with comparative measurements of the human body, among individuals or groups.
antigen any of various substances that, when introduced into a living body, causes the production of antibodies.
antihistamine any of various drugs used to treat allergies and colds by inhibiting the effects of histamine production in the body.
anti-inflammatory acting to reduce inflammation within the body. [1/2 definitions]
antitoxin an antibody formed in the body to counteract a specific biological poison. [1/2 definitions]
aorta the main artery carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all the rest of the body except the lungs.
appendage a limb or other body part attached to the main trunk of the body. [1/3 definitions]
apron a garment covering all or part of the front of the body, usu. worn to protect the wearer's clothing. [1/3 definitions]