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biodynamic2 the branch of biology dealing with the motion of living organisms. [1/2 definitions]
biomedicine the branch of medicine concerned with human survival and functioning in abnormal environmental conditions.
biophysics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of biology in which the principles and methods of physics are applied to the study of biological forms and processes.
botany the branch of biological science that deals with the classification and study of plants. [1/4 definitions]
bough a branch of a tree, esp. a main branch.
brain imaging the branch of medicine that deals with producing images of the brain and nervous system; neuroimaging. [1/2 definitions]
branchless combined form of branch.
brier1 a thorny branch or stem. [1/2 definitions]
bryology the branch of botany dealing with mosses and liverworts.
capuchin (cap.) a Roman Catholic monk belonging to a branch of the Franciscan order whose members observe strict vows of poverty and austerity. [1/3 definitions]
cavalry troops mounted on horseback or in armored carriers or helicopters, or the branch of military service composed of such troops.
Celtic a group of Indo-European languages that includes Irish and Scots Gaelic and Manx in one branch and the Brythonic languages in another. [1/2 definitions]
chapter a branch of a club or other organization. [1/4 definitions]
charter a document issued by a government or other central authority, permitting the organization of a corporation, branch, or other subordinate body. [1/7 definitions]
checks and balances a governmental mechanism of self-regulation provided for in the U.S. and other constitutions, by which the powers of each branch of government are limited by powers vested in another branch of government.
cicatrix the scar left when a stem or branch is detached from its parent tree or plant. [1/2 definitions]
civics (used with a sing. verb) a branch of political science that deals with the rights and duties of citizens and with civic matters.
civil engineering the branch of engineering concerned with designing, building, or repairing roads, bridges, tunnels, and other public works.
civil servant one who works for a civil service; that is, one who works within a branch of government administration other than legislative, judicial, or military. Civil servants are not elected or appointed; they are hired based on merit, often as judged by an exam.
civil service any branch of government administration that is not part of the legislative, judicial, or military services. [1/3 definitions]
comedy the branch of writing devoted to such work. [1/4 definitions]