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medial in phonetics, a sound characterized by a release of breath after a stoppage; voiced stop. [1/5 definitions]
mouthwash a liquid for rinsing one's mouth and teeth in order to kill germs, remove breath odor, or treat teeth against decay.
pant a short, rapid breath; gasp. [1/5 definitions]
plosive in phonetics, produced by the complete stoppage, then sudden forceful release of the breath, such as the sounds of the consonants "p," "b," and "t". [1/2 definitions]
puff a brief, forceful emission of breath, air, or vapor. [1/16 definitions]
sigh to exhale with a long, audible puff of breath, as from sorrow or weariness. [1/5 definitions]
spirant in phonetics, a consonantal speech sound produced by the breath pushed through the constricted opening of the mouth and lips, as the "sh" or "v" sound in English; fricative. [1/2 definitions]
stranglehold a wrestling hold that cuts off an opponent's breath and that is prohibited in the sport of wrestling. [1/2 definitions]
whoop to make a rasping intake of breath, as one ill with whooping cough. [1/8 definitions]
wind1 breath; breathing; respiration. [3/14 definitions]
winded having breath, usu. of a specified kind. [2 definitions]
windless out of breath. [1/2 definitions]
with bated breath with breath suspended or held due to anxiety or suspense.