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gantlet1 a portion of railroad tracks made up of two separate but overlapping tracks, usu. constructed at a narrow place, such as a tunnel or bridge. [1/3 definitions]
gantry a framework resembling a bridge that goes over railroad tracks and holds signals or that contains rails for a movable crane. [1/2 definitions]
geostatic of a building, bridge, or other construction, able to resist such pressure. [1/2 definitions]
girder a heavy beam, usu. made of steel or wood, that serves as a horizontal support in a bridge or building.
grand slam in bridge, the taking of all thirteen tricks by the bidder. (Cf. little slam.) [1/4 definitions]
John Lewis American civil rights activist and U.S. Congress member from Georgia, who led, among other marches and demonstrations, the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama in 1965, which galvanized the nation and quickened the passage of the Voting Rights Act (b. 1940--d. 2020).
little slam in bridge, the winning of twelve of the thirteen tricks of a deal. (Cf. grand slam.)
live load any variable weight added to the intrinsic weight of a structure, such as people in a building or moving traffic on a bridge. (Cf. dead load.)
major suit in bridge, hearts or spades. (Cf. minor suit.)
minor suit in bridge, diamonds or clubs. (Cf. major suit.)
monochord an instrument of ancient design used to measure intervals between musical tones, having a wooden sounding box with one string that vibrates on a gradual scale as a bridge is moved.
nosepiece on a pair of glasses, the bridge that fits across the nose. [1/3 definitions]
no-trump of a hand or contract in bridge, to be played without specifying a trump suit. [2 definitions]
parapet a low protective wall or railing at the edge of a high platform, bridge, balcony, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
pier a heavy post, pillar, wall, or the like used to support a structure such as a bridge or building. [1/2 definitions]
pontoon a float or boat used as support for a temporary floating bridge. [1/2 definitions]
precast concrete concrete that has been cast into form, as of a block, column, or bridge section, before being put in place.
preemptive of or relating to a strike or attack such as a bid in bridge or a military attack, made in anticipation of or to prevent an opposing strike. [1/2 definitions]
prepositional phrase in grammar, a phrase that is made up of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of this object, and that functions as an adjective or adverb, such as "of the people" or "under the bridge".
pylon a tall, massive structure that serves to delineate an approach, as to a bridge or, esp., to an ancient Egyptian temple. [1/3 definitions]
ramp a sloping surface connecting two different levels, such as a causeway between two floor levels, or a roadway passing from ground level to an elevated bridge. [1/7 definitions]