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covey a broad or small group of partridges, quail, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
crab1 any of various ten-legged marine crustaceans, having broad, flat bodies, eyes on short stalks, and strong pincers on the front legs. The meat of some kinds of crabs is commonly eaten by humans. [1/8 definitions]
dock4 any of various weedy plants that have broad leaves and long taproots and bear clusters of small greenish or reddish flowers.
dolichocephalic having or designating a head longer than it is broad.
Down's syndrome a congenital condition caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes which results in mental retardation and produces distinctive physical characteristics such as a broad face, flattened head, and slanted eyes.
duck-billed of an animal, having a broad, flat snout shaped like a duck's bill.
duck-billed dinosaur any dinosaur of the Hadrosauridae family, having a broad, flat snout for grazing.
Erlenmeyer flask a conical laboratory flask with a broad, flat base and a short, narrow neck, used to mix liquids by hand.
escarole a variety of endive having broad, frilled leaves, used in salads.
Eton collar a broad white collar worn over the lapels of an Eton jacket, or a collar like this.
euryphagous consuming a broad range of foods. (Cf. stenophagous.)
eurytherm an animal or plant able to survive through broad variations in temperature. (Cf. stenotherm.)
eurytopic able to survive in a broad variety of environments. (Cf. stenotopic.)
falchion a short broad medieval sword with a slight curve in the blade near the point.
fava bean see "broad bean."
fess a broad horizontal band that forms the middle third of a heraldic shield.
field any broad or long expanse. [1/11 definitions]
fig any of several broad-leafed trees native to the Mediterranean that bear oblong or pear-shaped soft fruit having many small seeds, or the fruit itself. [1/3 definitions]
flag4 a type of broad, flat stone used for covering surfaces such as a patio; flagstone. [1/2 definitions]
flagstone a type of broad, flat stone used for covering surfaces such as a patio; flag.
flask a broad, flat metal or glass bottle designed to be carried in the pocket and usu. used to hold liquor. [1/2 definitions]