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flask a broad, flat metal or glass bottle designed to be carried in the pocket and usu. used to hold liquor. [1/2 definitions]
flea in (one's) ear a broad hint or annoying reminder.
frontal bone the broad bone of the skull that forms the forehead.
geometrid of, pertaining to, or belonging to a family of broad-winged moths, the larvae of which are called measuring worms. [1/2 definitions]
goshawk any of a number of large broad-winged hawks, formerly used for falconry.
grin a broad smile that shows the teeth, or the act of producing such a smile. [1/5 definitions]
gross lacking specifics; general; broad. [1/9 definitions]
gurnard any of a family of marine fishes having large, fanlike pectoral fins and broad heads covered with bony scales; sea robin. [1/2 definitions]
hadrosaur any dinosaur of the Hadrosauridae family, having a broad, flat snout for grazing; also known as a "duck-billed dinosaur."
hardwood any of several types of tree, such as the oak, cherry, or mahogany, that have broad leaves, bear seeds enclosed in an ovary, and yield dense, compact wood. [1/2 definitions]
highlighter a marker having a broad felt tip and transparent, often fluorescent ink, applied to lines of text to indicate their importance.
ilium the broad, flat, uppermost section of the three parts of the pelvic bone.
kettle a broad, deep container in which to boil liquids, esp. water or soup; pot. [1/3 definitions]
kimono a long, Japanese garment, closing across the front of the body and having wide sleeves and a broad sash. [1/2 definitions]
large-minded tolerant in one's views; liberal or broad-minded.
leek a plant related to the onion that has broad green leaves and a fleshy, white, cylindrical bulb.
lima bean any of several plants that bear broad pods containing large green or white edible seeds. [1/2 definitions]
meander to wind in broad curves, as a river. [1/3 definitions]
molar1 a large tooth with a broad biting surface, used for grinding food and located in the back of the mouth behind the premolars. [1/2 definitions]
moose a large North American hoofed, cud-chewing mammal with humped shoulders, the males of which bear broad, flattened antlers.
moth any of numerous broad-winged insects that have fine or featherlike antennae, usu. fly at night, and are usu. thicker of body and less colorful than butterflies. [1/2 definitions]