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arresting capable of attracting and holding attention. [1/2 definitions]
awe-inspiring capable of producing great respect, admiration, or humility in others.
bearable capable of being endured; tolerable.
bentonite either of two clays that are formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash, and that are very absorptive and capable of expanding to several times their normal volume.
biddable in card games, capable of being bid on. [1/2 definitions]
bilingual capable of speaking two languages almost equally well. [1/2 definitions]
biocide any substance capable of killing living organisms.
bionic (informal) capable of superhuman effort or endurance through, or as if through, the aid of such devices. [1/3 definitions]
blastema an undifferentiated or primitive mass of cells, as in an embryo or regenerating organ, that is capable of becoming organized into a specific tissue or organ.
boom box a portable stereo radio with built-in speakers, a carrying handle, and usu. a cassette or CD player, capable of producing loud sound.
breeder an animal or plant that is capable of reproducing. [1/3 definitions]
Cal.1 abbreviation of "large calorie," or "large calories," a unit of energy used for measuring energy value of food oxidized in the body, or the amount of food capable of producing such a unit.
calorie a unit of energy equal to a large calorie, used for measuring energy value of food oxidized in the body, or the amount of food capable of producing such a unit. (abbr.: Cal.) [1/3 definitions]
caustic capable of burning away, corroding, or destroying tissue by chemical action. [1/3 definitions]
chameleon any of a variety of lizards capable of changing skin color to blend with the environment.
changeable capable of changing; likely to change; variable; inconstant; fickle. [1/2 definitions]
climate change any significant change in Earth's climate capable of causing cataclysmic events such as the mass extinction of species. [1/2 definitions]
cognizable capable of being perceived or known. [1/2 definitions]
communicable capable of being communicated or transmitted.
competence the state of being capable, qualified, or sufficient. [2/3 definitions]
competent capable; qualified. [2/3 definitions]