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Dictionary Suite
competent capable; qualified. [2/3 definitions]
conceivable capable of being intellectually conceived; thinkable.
concert capable of performing or being performed at a concert. [1/3 definitions]
contagious capable of being spread from person to person by contact or association. [2/3 definitions]
convertible capable of being changed in shape, function, or nature. [2/4 definitions]
corrigible capable of or susceptible to being reformed or corrected.
corrosive capable of causing or tending to cause corrosion. [2/3 definitions]
creative capable of inventing or producing something original or imaginative. [1/2 definitions]
cruise missile a long-range guided missile, propelled by a jet or rocket and capable of being launched from an aircraft, ship, or submarine.
crunchy making or capable of making a crunching sound, esp. when chewed; crispy.
cryogen a refrigerant capable of producing very low temperatures.
cryophyte a plant, esp. certain algae or fungi, capable of growing in icy or snowy conditions.
curative capable of curing illness or disease. [1/2 definitions]
cytomegalovirus any of a group of herpesviruses typically causing mild symptoms or no symptoms in healthy individuals, but capable of causing potentially life-threatening symptoms, including pneumonia and brain inflammation, in newborns and immunocompromised individuals, abbreviated CMV.
data processor any computer or computer program that is capable of organizing, storing, and retrieving data. [1/2 definitions]
daunting causing or capable of causing hesitation or lessening of determination.
deadly capable of causing death. [1/6 definitions]
defensible capable of being defended or justified.
deft capable, quick, and clever in action; skillful; dexterous.
deniable capable of being denied.
desertify to cause to change from land capable of sustaining plant life and agriculture to desert land that is essentially barren.