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de facto serving in some capacity in the absence of specific authority or legal recognition. (Cf. de jure.) [1/3 definitions]
designate to choose (someone or something) to serve in a particular capacity or for a particular purpose. [1/5 definitions]
dessertspoon in the UK, a unit of capacity equal to two teaspoons or 7.1033 millilitres, used in cooking. [1/2 definitions]
detergent having the capacity to cleanse. [1/2 definitions]
digital versatile disc an optical storage format for digital data, resembling a compact disc but with greater storage capacity; digital video disc; DVD.
digital video disc an optical storage format for digital data, or the physical disc that the data is stored on, resembling a compact disc but with greater storage capacity; DVD. [1/2 definitions]
dl abbreviation of "deciliter," or "deciliters," a unit of capacity equal to one tenth of a liter or 3.39 fluid ounces.
dram in the U.S., a unit of capacity equal to one eighth of a fluid ounce or 3.6966 milliliters; fluid dram. [1/4 definitions]
endowment a natural capacity, talent, or skill. [1/2 definitions]
endurance the act, condition, or capacity of functioning under prolonged stress. [2 definitions]
energy the power or capacity for activity. [1/4 definitions]
enlarge to cause to have a greater range or capacity; expand. [1/5 definitions]
esthesia the capacity to receive physical sensations; ability to experience through the senses.
expression a quality, as of a person's face, that has the capacity to make feelings known. [1/5 definitions]
faculty capacity or ability, as to do a certain task or to think in a certain way. [1/3 definitions]
feeling an emotion or the capacity for emotion. [1/10 definitions]
fight the capacity to resist or struggle. [1/9 definitions]
firkin a unit of capacity equal to about a quarter of a barrel. [1/2 definitions]
fluid dram in the U.S., a unit of capacity equal to one eighth of a fluid ounce or 3.6966 milliliters. [2 definitions]
fluid ounce in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one sixteenth of a pint or 29.57 milliliters. [2 definitions]
force someone or something with the capacity to influence or cause change. [1/14 definitions]