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leavening an agent such as yeast or baking powder that causes the formation of carbon dioxide gas in batter or dough, causing it to expand and rise. [1/2 definitions]
limestone a sedimentary rock of calcium carbonate formed mostly from animal remains such as shells and used in building and in manufacturing cement, lime, and carbon dioxide.
narcosis inactivity or immobility similarly induced, as by carbon dioxide. [1/2 definitions]
respiration in animals and plants, the process by which oxygen is taken in and used and carbon dioxide is emitted. [1/2 definitions]
soda water water charged under pressure with carbon dioxide, used as a mixer and beverage. [1/2 definitions]
Solvay process a process for making sodium carbonate by using salt, ammonia, and carbon dioxide.
urea a soluble nitrogen compound found in the urine of mammals, and synthesized from carbon dioxide and ammonia for use in fertilizers, animal feeds, and other products.
venous relating to or being the blood that is returning to the heart through the veins, having given up its oxygen to the body and become charged with carbon dioxide. [1/2 definitions]
water gas a toxic mixture of gases, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen, produced by forcing steam over heated coke, used as fuel.
zymase an enzyme found in yeast that decomposes sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.