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piker (informal) a person who is exceptionally careful with money or who does things in a stingy or small way; cheapskate.
pinch pennies to be stingy or very careful with money.
politic shrewdly careful or tactful. [1/4 definitions]
providence wise preparation for future events and needs; careful management; foresight; prudence. [1/3 definitions]
prudent characterized by wise or careful planning for the future; provident. [1/3 definitions]
red light any signal to stop or be careful. [1/2 definitions]
religious careful or scrupulous. [1/5 definitions]
scrupulous painstakingly careful, precise, or exact. [1/2 definitions]
scrutiny a close and careful inspection. [1/2 definitions]
selective characterized by careful choice; tending to exercise discrimination. [1/2 definitions]
serious marked by careful, weighty thinking. [1/6 definitions]
seriously with careful thought or consideration, esp. with regard to the consequences, urgency, or truth of a matter. [1/4 definitions]
snap made or done hastily or without careful consideration. [1/21 definitions]
sparing careful or restrained, as in the use of money or goods; frugal; thrifty (often fol. by "in" or "of"). [1/3 definitions]
sportsman a person who is careful to follow rules and displays such qualities as fairness and courtesy in competition. [1/2 definitions]
thought1 serious or careful attention. [1/6 definitions]
thoughtful having or showing careful thought. [2/3 definitions]
tiptoe stealthy or cautious; careful. [1/6 definitions]
ultracareful combined form of careful.
watch to be careful or alert. [1/10 definitions]
watch it to be wary or careful.