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shorthair any of several breeds of domestic cat with short fur.
Siamese a breed of cat developed in Thailand, characterized by blue eyes and a pale gray or fawn coat with darker extremities; Siamese cat. [1/4 definitions]
Siamese cat one of a breed of cat developed in Thailand, characterized by blue eyes and a pale gray or fawn coat with darker extremities.
Somali any of a type of domestic cat developed from the Abyssinian cat. [1/3 definitions]
tabby a domestic cat with gray striped fur. [2/3 definitions]
tiger a large flesh-eating Asian mammal of the cat family that has a distinctive tawny coat marked by black stripes. [2/3 definitions]
tom the male of several animals, esp. the cat and the turkey.
tomcat a male cat.
toxoplasmosis infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, often occurring after eating undercooked meat or touching the feces of an infected cat, that usu. causes mild symptoms in adults but may cause severe complications in an unborn child.
waul to cry like a newborn baby or a cat; howl; wail; squall.
whisker one of the long hairs or bristles growing near the mouth of such animals as the cat or rat. [1/3 definitions]