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link one of the separate closed pieces of a chain. [1/2 definitions]
locket a small metal case that holds a picture or a lock of hair. It is usually worn on a chain around the neck.
manacle a metal fetter like a bracelet, usu. one of a pair linked by a chain, used to shackle the wrists; handcuff. [1/3 definitions]
multichain combined form of chain.
nuclear reactor any of several devices that initiate and control a nuclear fission chain reaction to produce energy and material used for experimental and medical purposes.
pendant something hanging as an ornament on a chain around the neck or on an earring.
plutonium a radioactive chemical element of the actinide series that has ninety-four protons in each nucleus and that is capable of explosive nuclear fission in a chain reaction, used as fuel in some types of nuclear reactors. (symbol: Pu)
polemic of or pertaining to a dispute or to a chain of reasoning. [1/3 definitions]
polynucleotide a polymeric chain of nucleotides, such as DNA or RNA.
pulley a simple machine that is used for lifting. A pulley is a wheel or set of wheels that a rope or chain is pulled over.
reactor a device in physics for starting and controlling a nuclear chain reaction; nuclear reactor. [1/2 definitions]
ridge a range or chain of hills or mountains. [1/3 definitions]
Rocky Mountains the principal North American mountain chain, stretching from Alaska to northern New Mexico; Rockies.
sheet2 a cord, rope, or chain attached to one or both lower corners of a sail, for the purpose of moving it. [1/2 definitions]
sierra a chain of mountains with sharp peaks that look like the teeth of a saw.
sling1 a flexible loop of rope, chain, or the like, used to lift or support an object. [1/5 definitions]
snake to drag or haul, esp. by a chain or rope. [1/6 definitions]
sprocket a wheel with toothlike points that fit into the links of a chain, as on a bicycle.
strepto- twisted chain.
subcritical of a nuclear reactor or device, unable to sustain a fission chain reaction. [1/2 definitions]
surveyor's measure a system of measurement of length based on the surveyor's chain, equal to sixty-six feet or 20.1 meters, as a unit.