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Dictionary Suite
juju a fetish, amulet, or talisman, used by certain West African tribes; magic charm. [1/2 definitions]
line1 a statement, often unoriginal and insincere, that is made to pacify, persuade, flatter, or charm. [1/21 definitions]
phylactery a charm or amulet. [1/2 definitions]
rabbit's foot the hind foot of a rabbit, sometimes carried as a good luck charm.
rune1 a magic charm, usu. sung or chanted. [1/2 definitions]
scarab a small carving made to look like such a beetle, and used in ancient Egypt as a charm. [1/2 definitions]
sex appeal physical attractiveness or personal charm that arouses sexual interest.
spell2 a word, phrase, or the like used to bewitch or enchant; charm; incantation. [1/3 definitions]
take to engage; charm. [1/36 definitions]
talisman anything that is believed to confer good luck or magically increase one's powers; charm. [1/2 definitions]
unappealing somewhat distasteful or unattractive; lacking in charm or allure.
voodoo a charm, spell, or fetish used in voodoo. [1/5 definitions]
witchery the power to bewitch or charm. [1/2 definitions]
witching a seemingly magical charm; enchantment. [1/4 definitions]