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asbestos one of two forms of a mineral that can be separated into fibers, is not combustible, and is resistant to chemical action, used to make fireproofing and insulating materials. [1/2 definitions]
assay to subject to chemical analysis to determine composition, quality, or potency, as with drugs or precious metals; make an assay of. [2/8 definitions]
astatine a highly radioactive chemical element of the halogen group that has eighty-five protons in each nucleus. (symbol: At)
astrophysics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of physics that deals with the physical and chemical properties of heavenly bodies and interstellar space.
At symbol of the chemical element astatine.
Au symbol of the chemical element gold.
B symbol of the chemical element boron.
Ba symbol of the chemical element barium.
barium a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has fifty-seven protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found in compounds such as salts. (symbol: Ba) [1/2 definitions]
base1 a chemical compound that creates salts when mixed with acids. (Cf. acid.) [1/7 definitions]
basic of or pertaining to a chemical base. [1/4 definitions]
battery a device that generates electricity by means of chemical reactions. [1/5 definitions]
Be symbol of the chemical element beryllium.
benzene a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, obtained from petroleum and coal tar and used in or to make a wide variety of chemical products, such as insecticides, motor fuels, and solvents.
benzol an impure form of benzene, used in the chemical industry. [1/2 definitions]
beryllium a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has four protons in each nucleus and occurs in pure form as a hard, light, gray solid, chiefly used in alloys with copper and in aerospace material. (symbol: Be)
Bi symbol of the chemical element bismuth.
bicarbonate a chemical that is a variety of carbonate, used esp. in baking or as an antacid. (See sodium bicarbonate.)
bichloride a chemical compound in which there are two atoms of chlorine for each atom of another element or group; dichloride.
binary a chemical compound or a metal that contains two elements. [1/4 definitions]
bismuth a chemical element that has eighty-three protons in each nucleus and is a white brittle crystalline metal with very low thermal and electrical conductivity, used chiefly in alloys and medicines. (symbol: Bi)