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benzodiazepine any of a class of drugs containing a benzene ring that acts as a sedative and muscle relaxant.
beta blocker any of a class of drugs that inhibit the absorption of adrenalin and the activity of the autonomic nervous system, and are used to control the heartbeat and relieve angina and hypertension.
bill of rights a formal list or summary of fundamental rights and liberties to which a people or class is entitled. [1/3 definitions]
blanket applying to or including all members of a group or class. [1/5 definitions]
blue-collar of or pertaining to industrial workers or the class of workers who earn wages rather than salaries. (Cf. white-collar.)
bourgeois of, related to, or characteristic of the middle class. [4/6 definitions]
bourgeoisie the middle class. [2 definitions]
Brahmin a cultured, socially elite person, esp. a member of an upper-class New England family. [1/2 definitions]
bristle worm a segmented worm of the class Polychaeta with bristled appendages.
burgher someone who lives in a town or city, esp. one who belongs to the middle class.
cant1 the jargon particular to a class or profession. [2/6 definitions]
capital ship one of a class of the largest surface warships.
carbohydrate any of a class of organic compounds including sugars, starches, and celluloses that are formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that are important in plants and necessary to animal and human nutrition. [1/2 definitions]
caste the status conferred by the class to which one belongs. [2/4 definitions]
caste system a social structure in which one's class in society is determined by heredity.
category a specific class or group in a classification system.
certified mail a postal service that, for a fee, guarantees the delivery of first-class uninsured mail by requiring the addressee to sign for it. [1/2 definitions]
chiton any of a class of mollusks that live on rocks and have hard shells composed of eight overlapping plates. [1/2 definitions]
class consciousness awareness of one's social or economic status and the class to which one belongs.
classic representative or typical of a class or category; serving as a standard. [2/10 definitions]
classify to arrange or divide into groups with respect to type or class. [1/3 definitions]