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classify to arrange or order (a group of things) with respect to type or class. [1/2 definitions]
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
clinic a type of instruction, like a class, wherein a group of people meet to learn about a specialized topic. [1/4 definitions]
coach a section of seats on an airplane or train. Tickets for this section are less expensive than first class. [1/6 definitions]
common noun a noun that indicates a class of things or a general member of a class of things, people, or places. Common nouns usually have articles. (Compare with "proper noun.")
compact1 of automobiles, in the class of small cars but not the smallest. (Cf. subcompact.) [1/9 definitions]
concrete naming a specific tangible thing or a class of such things. [1/10 definitions]
condescending displaying a belief that one is superior, due to having greater intelligence, being of a higher class, having greater importance, or the like.
corporal2 an officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps who is ranked below sergeant and above private first class.
Cpl. abbreviation of "Corporal," a noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranked below sergeant and above private first class (used in a proper name).
-crat member of (such) a ruling class. [1/2 definitions]
culture the artistic and intellectual endeavors of a society or social class, as in the areas of music, art, fashion, and literature, or the works that are produced from these endeavors, esp. those considered of good taste and high value. [1/8 definitions]
curfew a rule or law that establishes a time after which everyone, or everyone of a particular class or group, must be off the street and inside for the night. [1/2 definitions]
demimonde a class of women who have fallen into disrepute with conventional society, usu. because of unconventional or immoral behavior or sexual promiscuity. [1/3 definitions]
demote to lower in position, grade, class, or rank.
dialect a variety of a language that is peculiar to a region, social class, or occupation and that differs from the standard language in pronunciation, usage, and vocabulary. [1/2 definitions]
dictionary a book that contains information on a specific group or class of words or subjects. [1/3 definitions]
endogamy marriage within one's own class, clan, caste, tribe, or other social unit. (Cf. exogamy.) [1/2 definitions]
etc. abbreviation of "et cetera," and others, as of the same kind or class; and the like; and so forth.
et cetera and others, as of the same kind or class; and the like; and so forth. (abbr.: etc.)
ex. abbreviation of "example," a particular instance or representative member of a class of things.